Monday, September 27, 2010

Halo Reach is old... and so are you!

I cannot go a single day without having an in-depth conversation about the story of Halo Reach with my roommate, or walk through Penland without hearing at least five separate conversations about the exact same thing by groups of guys (including fat boys with their neon hats and crush shirts, “have you played halo yet brah!”-“not yet Broski!!”).  It’s been two weeks already (tonight at midnight) that this final game to the decade long Halo series was released so you have had more than enough time to play through the campaign multiple times and put in a good twenty hours or so on Xbox live (plus, its basically the same game.. they like haven’t changed really anything since the first one). . .So, we should all be experts on it now and it’s time to move on to something else before a new video game comes to ruin out social life, grades, and chances at getting a lasting relationship… With this said, it might be time to step outside and enjoy this 70 degree Texas weather before it turns 90 degrees once again. Happy Monday afternoon!


1 comment:

  1. I temporarily lost some friends the week it came out. That week was a real good indication that I have too many guy friends =P
