I was looking through my phone today a noticed that I really do not have any apps that I downloaded off the app store. All I have is what came with the phone and about 3 or 4 news apps I consult daily, but there really isn't one of those, "theres an app for that", app on my phone... why, because its probably easier and more time efficient to do what ever that is you need to do, somewhere else. There are a lot of free apps, but most of them out there you have to pay for and most of those are CRAP! I see a ton of scams. . . for instance; I saw this app yesterday that claims to increase your battery life by 50%, then listed all these people saying how awesome it was and what not. Then down below in the reviews from all the ticked off stupid people for believing this technology exists were complaining how it didn't work, even that it made their battery life worse. The only way to 'save battery life' on your phone is to use it less, or turn it off (if you have multitasking it does not really effect it if you have a ton of apps running). So it seems to me that apps are just a way to get stupid peoples money, and they will never stop buying. When I started looking in to making iPhone apps (so I could become a billionaire) I saw that iTunes takes 30% of the sales of apps. So if you have a 99 cent app and you sell it to one person you only receive about 69 cents... kinda lame. So I quickly became disinterested because there was no way I would become a billionaire, and I don't have the heart to scam people. I then determined that this is just another one of apples ways of getting every single penny out of you... like the iPad. . . worthless over sized iTouch... I dont even think the iPad is even practical except to read stuff on like books or the news (I guess you can watch movies too, if you pay a ridiculous amount from iTunes for one). My dad got one the other day after I told him not to get one or at least wait till they release a new one, but he went a head and got one... So when I first saw it (we were in the car so no internet was available) I turned it on and just kinda scrolled through the app pages, opened iTunes, saw what was up in settings, and looked at the email set up... then after two minutes I put it down, it held my attention for two minutes. Even typing sucks on this thing. The keyboard is not big enough for you to use it like a regular keyboard, so you have to act like your a baby trying to text on an iPhone. It just doesn't work! For maybe $250 this thing would be really kool, but for $600... not.a.chance. Apple once again just sucking up the money.. Over the past 5 years my family has probably dumped over 15 grand in to Mac/Apple products. At Christmas there are more iPhones that grand kids, more iPads than grandparents, and just about a Macbook for everybody.. obsessed? Maybe just a little.. But, I think this proves that apple is great at marketing. Makes everyone want something they don't need and charge a boat load for it, and people keep buying it, even their crap (like an iPod shuffle). That is why I will be applying to work for Apple as a software programmer after I graduate, because I want to jump on this high profiting bandwagon so I can be the one laughing when you buy a $600 super sized iTouch.
sounds like a great plan to me. Also, about the app thing.. if you got more than one person to buy it then you could make a lot of money off of it. If it makes you feel better a songwriter royalty off of a song is less than what you could potentially make off of selling one app. And apparently people are crazy about paying for apps (i hear angry birds is popular).