Sunday, October 24, 2010

I've found a pattern in Baylor football wins... Maybe I will be able to predict the rest of the season like I can predict the Stock Market*

If you haven't noticed already, there is a pattern in Baylor football wins.

Same Houston: WIN
Buffalo: WIN
TCU: loss
Rice: WIN
Kansas: WIN
Texas Tech: loss
Colorado: WIN
Kansas State: WIN

So I'm predicting that Baylor will lose to Texas. Win at OSU. Completely-Flat-Out-Destroy the Aggies. And then lose gracefully to OU by one point.

Now I've also found another reason that Baylor wins football games, and this is that we win games when they wear the Gold helmet.. and lose when they were the White helmet.
Baylor Vs Tech = loss
Baylor Vs KState = WIN

Baylor Vs TCU = Super loss

Baylor Vs KU = Super WIN
So see, in order to win games they need to wear the gold helmet. It is good luck.. just like my lucky shirt.
Also, I almost died twice this weekend. Once in an out-of-control bonfire on campus. Then in a mass exodus at Floyd Casey stadium. Lessons learned... Stand up wind of a really large fire... And when the football announcer says to get under the stands.. get under the stands the first time and find something tall to stand on...or get ready to get to know the ten people squished next to you REAL well....

Anyways... lets hope I'm just as good as predicting football games as I am predicting the stock market and lets plan to beat everyone here on out.


Sic' Em Bears!

*I will blog about predicting the stock market another time

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